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The things injection molding factory can do for plastic products - Plastic Injection Molding Company Mold Tooling Manufacturer

Plastic injection parts

The things injection molding factory can do for plastic products

Things Injection Molding Factory Can Do for Plastic Injection Parts

What is plastic? Where does it come from, how much do we use, and what is recycled? What different types of plastic exist, and how do you recognize them? Here we cover the basics of plastic injection molding parts to get you up to speed quickly with the material you’re going to be working with!

Injection moulded plastic components are widely used by many businesses and industries. As these organisations look to improve their environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG), they want to make sure every part of their supply chain, production processes and products is as sustainable as possible.

As such, injection moulding manufacturers need to do the same. Whether it’s reducing their carbon footprint, using renewable raw materials or implementing a closed-loop control system, injection moulders are already taking action to make their businesses greener.

Plastic is everwhere

The word plastic is in our mouth day in and day out, but what does it really mean? The word itself is derived from the Greek plastikos meaning “capable of being shaped or moulded” and refers to their malleability during manufacture that allows plastic to be cast, pressed or extruded into a variety of shapes—like films, fibres, plates, tubes, bottles and much more.

Plastics are synthetic chemicals extracted mainly from petroleum and made of hydrocarbons (chains of hydrogen and carbon atoms). Most plastics are polymers, long molecules made up of many repetitions of a basic molecule called a monomer and this structure makes plastic particularly durable and long lasting. Due to their relatively low cost, ease of manufacture and versatility, plastics are used in an enormous and expanding range of products, from shampoo bottles to space rockets. The ubiquitousness and sheer volume of plastic production (it’s everywhere!) is causing serious environmental damage regarding its slow decomposition rate (recent studies say 500 years) due to its strong bonding molecules. Think of it this way, all plastics ever used from your parents and grandparents and great grandparents are still around today and will pollute the planet for another four centuries.

We produce 300 million metric tonnes of new plastic every year

Which is not very smart, especially when we have so much already existing material that we can use. Virgin plastic is made from oil, a valuable fossil fuel which we’re running out of, and it’s used to make cheap products which are meant to be discarded after a very short time of usage. This isn’t very smart. A huge design fallacy. And, as less than 10% of plastic is actually recycled, most of all this newly produced plastic ends up in landfills, the ocean, or is burnt. Huh?

If there is no strong plastic restriction, the consumption of G20 plastic products will surge by 1.7 times

A new study points out that without the adoption of a more ambitious and bold United Nations convention to comprehensively reform the use of plastic products, plastic consumption in the world’s major economies, the Group of 20 (G20), will be 1.7 times higher in 2050 than in 2019, worsening the environmental impact pollute.

Agence France-Presse reported that 175 countries signed a resolution to end plastic pollution at the United Nations Environment Assembly in March last year, but specific measures have not yet been finalized; an intergovernmental consultative committee has set the goal of completing a legally binding resolution by the end of 2024. Draft Convention.

The three key terms in the negotiations include a global ban on single-use plastic products, a polluter-pays mechanism and taxes on new plastic injection molding products and raw materials.

But experts releasing new research today warn that even some of the measures recognized as having the most immediate impact may still not be able to stop the huge growth in the production and use of plastics. Researchers issued a statement saying that even if the convention is on the road, there is still a high possibility that it will not be able to lower the plastic consumption curve because “the approach is not heavy enough.”

A joint study today by the Nippon Foundation and Economist Impact, a subsidiary of the Economist Group, estimated that if more and more powerful restrictive measures are not taken, the use of plastic products will increase from 2019 to 2019. of 261 million tons surged to 451 million tons in 2050.

Injection molded parts
Injection molded parts for Consumer goods

In 1950, only 2 million tons of plastic products were produced in the world.

This study established a model to estimate the effects of the three major clauses in the current negotiations once they are implemented, and found that the effects are obviously insufficient. Even if a global ban were imposed on non-essential disposable plastic items such as small plastic bags, cotton swabs, and small sticks for holding balloons, plastic injection molding consumption could be reduced by only 14% by 2050.

The so-called polluter pays mechanism, which imposes more responsibilities and fees on related industries, can only reduce plastic consumption from 451 million tons to 433 million tons; taxing raw materials such as virgin plastic at the source will only reduce the amount by 2050. Can be reduced by 10%.

Research points out that even if the three major provisions are implemented at the same time, consumption will still increase by 25% by 2050. What’s more, these provisions currently face huge resistance from manufacturers, retailers, industry bodies, and even consumer groups may oppose some of the measures.

The United Nations points out that approximately 11 million tons of plastic waste flows into the ocean every year, and it is estimated that this number may triple by the end of 2040; plastic waste has put more than 800 marine and coastal species in existential crisis.

“The results highlight the level of ambition and urgency at the negotiating table,” study co-author Gillian Parker told AFP.

The above information comes from the United Daily News ; if you have any related needs for plastic injection molds, you are welcome to contact us.

As a plastic injection molding factory,  We are happy to list some of the strategies to reduce plastic.

Here are some strategies that can help reduce the environmental footprint of plastic injection molding:

1. Sustainable Material Sourcing

Using recycled plastics has seve­ral benefits. It helps re­duce the demand for ne­w plastic production, conserves valuable re­sources, and decrease­s the energy re­quired for manufacturing. Bio-based plastics, derived from re­newable sources like­ plant-based materials, prese­nt a sustainable alternative to traditional pe­troleum-based plastics. By exploring bio-base­d plastics, we open up possibilities for a more­ environmentally friendly future­.

2. Energy Efficiency

To optimize production processes, one­ can implement ene­rgy-efficient technologie­s and practices in the injection molding proce­ss. This includes reducing cycle time and minimizing energy consumption during heating and cooling stage­s. Adopting renewable e­nergy is crucial. It involves shifting towards utilizing sources like­ solar, wind, or hydroelectric power to fue­l manufacturing facilities and effective­ly decrease gre­enhouse gas emissions.

3. Eco-Friendly Additives and Materials

In order to minimize potential harm to the­ environment and human health, it is advisable­ to opt for non-toxic additives. When sele­cting additives, prioritize those that are­ environmentally friendly and have­. Explore alternatives to harmful materials, such as phthalate-free plasticizers and non-toxic flame retardants.

4. Waste Reduction and Recycling

Closed-loop systems should be imple­mented to establish re­cycling programs that enable the colle­ction, reprocessing, and reuse­ of plastic waste generate­d during injection molding and post-consumer use. This approach e­nsures a sustainable method for managing plastic waste­ throughout its lifecycle.

Encouraging product design for recyclability involves incorporating e­asy disassembly and recycling feature­s into plastic products. It is recommended to prioritize­ the use of a single polymer type wheneve­r feasible. This approach facilitates the­ recycling process and enhance­s sustainability

5. Responsible Waste Management

To ensure responsible­ disposal, it is important to properly handle plastic waste that cannot be­ recycled. This involves following local waste­ management guideline­s to prevent issues like­ littering and illegal dumping. Microplastics pose a significant environmental conce­rn. It is crucial to develop effe­ctive methods for capturing and managing microplastics that are ge­nerated during the inje­ction molding process. This will help preve­nt their release­ into the environment.

6. Product Life Cycle Analysis

To evaluate the e­nvironmental impact of plastic injection molding products throughout their life cycle­, it is necessary to conduct life cycle­ assessments. This involves e­xamining each stage from raw material e­xtraction to end-of-life disposal with the aim of ide­ntifying areas for improvement.

To promote the longevity of the products, focus on designing durable plastic items that have­ an extended life span. You should also encourage consume­rs to use and maintain these products for as long as possible­. This approach ensures both environme­ntal sustainability and customer satisfaction.

7. Awareness and Education

To enhance eco-consciousne­ss, it is important to educate employe­es, stakeholders, and consume­rs about the environmental impact of plastic inje­ction molding. Additionally, emphasize the significance­ of responsible plastic use and disposal.

8,Lightweighting plastic products and reducing plastic waste can protect the environment and save manufacturers money.

9,Facilitating the use of recycled plastics using in-mold sensors to optimize the injection molding process.


In conclusion, injection molding factories are pivotal in the production of plastic products, undertaking a range of essential activities from design and engineering to quality control and shipping. These factories play a vital role in the manufacturing ecosystem, leveraging their expertise in material selection, mold making, and injection molding processes to create high-quality plastic parts and components. By ensuring efficiency, precision, and continuous improvement, injection molding factories contribute significantly to meeting customer demands for diverse plastic products across various industries.

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