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Injection Mold Check List - Plastic Injection Molding Company Mold Tooling Manufacturer

At JBR, all finished molds are approved by our QA department before shipping, and we have strict final inspection instruction to check our products that details as below <Final Moulds Inspection Checking List>.

                                   Tooling Inspection Final Checking list
Project Name:Project Number
Part Name:Part Number:
Tool Name:Tool Number:
Tool source:Customer:
Tool Steel:No of Cavities:
Resin:Machine Size:
What is the customer required core hardness
What is the hardness?
Is the material type and hardness stamped on bottom surface
of each cavity blocYesNo
What is the required surface finish on the cavit
What is the cavity surface finish?
Is any EDM visible on cavity surface?YesNo
Does the cavity surface have a good visual appearance free of hammer
marks, dints, and machining marks deemed unexceptYesNo
If yes what are the issues?
Are cavity molding surfaces free of scratches?YesNo
Are cutter marks visible on the cavity surface?YesNo
Does the cavity require texturingYesNo
What is the customer required texture
Is the cavity textureYesNo
If so what is the texture type?
Are ribs polished in line of draw?YesNo
Is any EDM visible in the ribYesNo
Are cutter marks visible in the ribYesNo
What is the customer required core hardness
What is the hardness?
Is the material type and hardness stamped on bottom surface
of each core blockYesNo
What is the required surface finish on the core
What is the core surface finish?
Is any EDM visible on core surfacYesNo
Does the core surface have a good visual appearance free of hammer
marks, dints, and machining marks deemed unexceptYesNo
If yes what are the issues?
Are core molding surfaces free of scratchYesNo
Are cutter marks visible on the core surfacYesNo
Does the core require texturingYesNo
What is the customer required texture
Is the core texturedYesNo
If so what is the texture type?
If so what is the texture and depth?
Is Recycle Logo requireYesNo
Are ribs polished in line of draw?YesNo
Is any EDM visible in the ribYesNo
Are cutter marks visible in the ribYesNo
Are slides tight?YesNo
Are slides loose?YesNo
Are the seal off angles under the slides >5˚?YesNo
If not what angle is it?YesNo
Are grease fittings installed?YesNo
Are the slides spring loadedYesNo
Is there a positive locking method for open positioYesNo
What is it?
Is it capable of holding the slide weight?
Are slides equiped with hydraulics?YesNo
If so are limit switches installed?YesNo
Slide Finishes
What is the customer required hardness?
What is the hardness?
Is the material type and hardness stamped on a non molding surface
of each lifter or slide?YesNo
What is the required surface finish on the molding sufaces
What is the surface finish?
Are ribs polished in line of draw?YesNo
Is any EDM visible in the ribs?YesNo
Do the slides have a good visual appearance free of hammer
marks, dints, and machining marks deemed unexceptableYesNo
If yes what are the issues?
Are the molding surfaces free of scratches?YesNo
Are cutter marks visible in the ribs?YesNo
Are guide bushing installed?YesNo
Are grease fittings and lines installed?YesNo
Do square lifter have grease groove?YesNo
Are the square lifters made with P20?YesNo
If so are they nitrided?YesNo
Are the square lifters made with H13?YesNo
What is the customer requested hardness
What is the actual hardness
Lifter Finishes
What is the customer required hardness?
What is the hardness?
Is the material type and hardness stamped on a non molding surface
of each lifter or slide?YesNo
What is the required surface finish on the molding sufaces
What is the surface finish?
Are ribs polished in line of draw?YesNo
Is any EDM visible in the ribs?YesNo
Do the lifters have a good visual appearance free of hammer
marks, dints, and machining marks deemed unexceptableYesNo
If yes what are the issues?
Are the molding surfaces free of scratches?YesNo
Are cutter marks visible in the ribs?YesNo
What is the customer required hardness?
What is the hardness?
Is the material type and hardness stamped on a non molding surface
of each lifter or slide?YesNo
What is the required surface finish on the molding sufaces
What is the surface finish?
Are ribs polished in line of draw?YesNo
Is any EDM visible in the ribs?YesNo
Do the inserts have a good visual appearance free of hammer
marks, dints, and machining marks deemed unexceptableYesNo
If yes what are the issues?
Are the molding surfaces free of scratches?YesNo
Are cutter marks visible in the ribs?YesNo
Are ribs polished in line of draw?YesNo
Is any EDM visible in the ribYesNo
Are cutter marks visible in the ribYesNo
Parting lines width
surface finish of parting line
Relief depth -land width.
Is any EDM visible in the ribs?YesNo
Do the inserts have a good visual appearance free of hammer
marks, dints, and machining marks deemed unexceptableYesNo
If yes what are the issues?
Parting line vent width & depth
Are ejector pins vented?YesNo
Are runners vented?YesNo
Are guide pin bushings holes vented?YesNo
Is last place to fill vented?YesNo
Is weld map included?YesNo
Is there any other welding not on the map?YesNo
If welding was done specify the type of rod used and process
Is the runner to customer specified size and shapYesNo
What is the customer specified size?
What is the customer specified shape?
Runner surface finish?
Are cutter marks visible on the core surfacYesNo
Gate surface finish
What is the required ga
Is any EDM visible in the gate?YesNo
Are cutter marks visible in the gate?YesNo
Are customer specified electrical plug/plugs usedYesNo
Is the customer specified wiring diagram followedYesNo
Is electrical box/boxes installed?YesNo
Is it the customer specified box?YesNo
Is the wiring plaque on the operator side of the moYesNo
Hot tips, manifold, heaters, thermocouples – bench tesYesNo
Hot tip – drafted, polished in the line of draYesNo
Is the customer specified surface contact between the hot drop anYesNo
Hot tip, flush/recessed when hot.YesNo
Wires in channels with hold downs and protectYesNo
Is a sprue puller undercut machined into cYesNo
Is the sprue puller polished in line with ejectionYesNo
is the ejector pin land 1″ below sprue puller underYesNo
If not what is it?
Is the Core sequencing provided on an attached plaqYesNo
If no why?
Are pressure transducers required?YesNo
Are pressure transducers installed?YesNo
Is mould equipped for Alba connectors?YesNo
Knock out pullback stud – flush with clamp plaYesNo
 – correct threadYesNo
 – correct thread deptYesNo
 – correct counterbore deYesNo
Are knockout rod extentions required by the customerYesNo
If so are they installed, and flush to the surface
Are switches mounted and wired?YesNo
Is part and runner designed to fall clear?YesNo
If so does it fall clear?YesNo
Is part and runner designed for robot pickup?YesNo
If so does it stay on the mould?YesNo
If not why not?
Does it come freely off the mould?YesNo
Do we have enough space for robot?YesNo
How was it checked?
Ejector system – moves freely for the full strokYesNo
Are the ejector pin holes in the core square to basYesNo
How was it checked?
Ejector pins guided square to ejector system?YesNo
How was it checked?
Do the ejector pin holes in the ejector plate line up with the ejector
 pin bores in the core?YesNo
How was it checked?
Cavity ejection
2 stage ejection
Does the mold have multi stage ejectionYesNo
Do the latches pocket into the core and cavity platesYesNo
Does the multi stage ejection use spring loaded latchesYesNo
pocketed into cavity plate?YesNo
Is so are shoulder bolts installed?YesNo
Is the surface to seat the shoulder bolt spotted flat?YesNo
Does the mold have hydraulic ejection?YesNo
Are Flow dividers installed?YesNo
Are switches mounted and wiredYesNo
Ejector system – moves freely?YesNo
Ejector pins guided square to ejector system?YesNo
Are water lines stamped to customer specificatioYesNo
Are water lines numbered to customer specifications?YesNo
Are water lines correct size to customer specificationYesNo
Are waterlines counterbored?YesNo
Are the o-rings pocketed on the core retaiYesNo
Are the o-rings pocketed on the core?YesNo
Describe o-ring fit in groove
Are thequality of all o-rings good enough?YesNo
Have water lines been pressure tested (1YesNo
Are there any water leaks?YesNo
If so where?
Do the water lines match the plaque?YesNo
Are all the baffles and plugs installed?YesNo
Are Jiffy connectors installed?YesNo
Are the customer specified fitting installedYesNo
Fitting names and model numbers
Is there enough space between fitting to install all the fittinYesNo
Are extention pipes used?YesNo
If so why
Water lines connected internally?YesNo
Water lines connected hard tubingYesNo
If so why?
Are water jumpers installed?YesNo
Are water lines sealed by soYesNo
Any obstructions on bottom surface of moYesNo
If so what are they?
Is the customer specified locating ring installeYesNo
What is the customer specified locating ring size?
Is the locating ring at least 4MM higher than mYesNo
Is the customer specified sprue bushing installYesNo
What is Sprue radius orifice and size?
Are the eyebolts balance so the mould hangs straiYesNo
Safety Straps (2) (Red or contrasting Yellow).YesNo
Clamp slot size and locations
Are they to customer spec.?YesNo
Mould Length, Width, Height.
To swing mould, record corner to corner size.
What is customer specified K.O. holes size an
Mould K.O. holes size and pattern size.
Should all screws not be machined and cut? Has allbeenYesNo
Guide pin length.
Is the customer specified Leader pin fit and installation doYesNo
What is the Leader Pin fit and installation process
Return pin length. (nothing contacting cavit
Are return pins spring loadeYesNo
Pry bar slots.YesNo
Plates numbered and lettereYesNo
Insulation platYesNo
Gate type used
Is cashew gate being uYesNo
cashew gate type(Name of manufacture or homemade)
Is ejection stroke long enough to fully eject cashew gatYesNo
Is shot counter requiredYesNo
Is shot counter installedYesNo
Are all screw heads below the surfaceYesNo
Are eyebolt hole threads deep enough to fully seat eyYesNo
If no describe situation
Are there threaded lifting holes in all parts over 50 lbs (22.YesNo
Have all mold workpieces and spare part been inspectedYesNo
Does the mold have a good visual appearance free of hammer marks,
dints, and machining marks deemed unexceptablYesNo
Are angled seal that are <5˚ at least 4rc different or 1 side nitrYesNo
Is the material type and hardness stamped on bottom surface of each molYesNo
Is the customer specified Horn pin fit and installation dYesNo
What is the Horn Pin fit and installation process?
Has the mold used the correct material and treatment withYesNo
Has the mold drawing been printed and copied in two copYesNo
Have the molding condition sheet and sample inspection rYesNo
Are the both ends of the lifting bar at least 1MM shorter thYesNo
Are date clocks fastened by screws?YesNo
Are the following mold plaques on the operator side of the mold?
Mold NameplateYesNo
Mould sequenceYesNo
Hydraulic schematicYesNo
Waterline schematicsYesNo
Electrical schematicsYesNo
Thermocouple schematicsYesNo
special instructionsYesNo
Is “TOP OF MOULD”. Stamped on the top of the moulYesNo
Is the mould painted the customer specified colouYesNo
What colour is it painted?